In Case of Emergency: Essential Phone Numbers Everybody Should Have Saved

Most people are taught the emergency services phone number for their country from a very young age. It’s usually only a few digits long so that when a serious emergency does happen, it is easy to recall.

However, as we grow up we learn that the emergency services are really there for life-and-death situations. They do not cover many of the challenges that occur in daily life which we might also consider to be emergencies.

In the grand scheme of things, accidentally getting locked out of somewhere, your car breaking down, or losing your bank card are not that serious and are often easily fixed. However, they can cause a lot of panic and distress when they occur, and one thing that adds to that is that we generally don’t know who we can call to help us.

In Case of Emergency

An easy way to make these situations easier is to pre-empt any problems which are likely to occur and save the numbers of those who can help in your phone contacts. Here are the most important ones you need.

1. A locksmith: The unsung heroes of the everyday emergency, a good locksmith will be by your side quickly whenever you lose your keys, and they won’t charge you too much either. Remember that where you live is not the only place you can get locked out of if you lose your keys. Make sure to save the number of a car key locksmith too in case yours does not do both.

2. Roadside assistance: One of the last places anyone ever wants to be is broken down at the side of the road while the rest of the world passes by. If your insurance includes roadside assistance cover then be sure to keep the number handy, or have the number of tow truck service saved so that when disaster strikes you can sort it out quickly.

3. Lost bank card hotline: Losing your bank card or having it stolen can be very distressing, and it can happen at the most inconvenient times. Keep the number where you can report lost or stolen cards in your phone so that you can call as soon as you notice it’s gone.

4. Water company: Since they cannot possibly monitor everything, utility businesses like water companies and power companies rely on people reporting problems to learn about issues which need fixing. The contamination of water or a blackout could cause a lot of problems in an area and usually need to be resolved very quickly.

5. Your neighbours: Even if you are not friends with them, it is still good to introduce yourself to your neighbours and get their numbers. They might be able to help with things where you live while you are away.

Some other numbers that are useful to save if they are relevant to your circumstances are your child’s school and some local veterinarians. Although there are many problems for which you do not need to call the emergency services, they can still come as a shock and they often need to be dealt with quickly. Having just a few useful phone numbers saved and ready in your phone means you are ready to handle these issues if they occur.

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